Numerous people today find it hard to resist the offers on rural and regional properties in Victoria. However, prior to purchasing a property and living in it, it is essential to understand life in the rural area. The place may appear peaceful, but bear in mind that certain areas in rural Victoria may be odorous and noisy. If you are considering a rural investment property, seek a property advisor for guidance. Whether you decide to reside or lease, its imperative you understand how to invest in rural property.
Practical expectations
Check the land surrounding the property you intend to purchase; do your research and have realistic expectations of life in Victoria’s rural area. Most of Victoria’s rural area is busy with industry – to be specific, the agriculture industry. Residential amenity can be affected and neighbouring properties can be impacted by several agricultural land uses.
Since agriculture continuously develops, common perceptions of scenic pastures, crops, and livestock have encompassed. Noise, odours, smoke, and dust are widespread and proof of ongoing agriculture and other land management activities. You should be ready to experience them once you’ve decided to reside in Victoria’s rural area.
Prior to purchasing a rural land, make sure you have considered the industries in the area as well as comprehend the farming methods they practice as part of their business. Ponder on how these may have an influence on you or the property you have set your eye on.
It is significant for people who are new in the vicinity to be mindful that farmers are doing what needs to be done to produce high quality food and remain competitive and viable. Because of this, agricultural activities will definitely intensify and undoubtedly continue.
Be informed
You’ll need to have reasonable expectations when residing in the rural areas of Victoria. Give and take will be necessary between old and new residents and the commercial producers. Each individual has the equal right to work, live, and enjoy rural Victoria. This means that the rules governing land use must be understood. Ensure you know the area, because if the nearby town has minimal facilities, it won’t drive revenue. Speak to your local council and enquire about land that is being sold for development. Property advisors who specialize in shopping centre management can also provide some insight.
Not all disagreements can be resolved, unfortunately. Not even with a little goodwill, realistic set of expectations, or creative solutions. Some disagreements either end up in mutual resolution, building relationships, or the court. Effective methods include third party mediation.
Managing amenity impact – Knowing the options
After identifying the effects from surrounding land uses, check your own property and see whether any action needs to be taken from your end. Don’t depend on your neighbors to take action. Many people who reside in rural areas plant vegetative buffers and wind breaks to reduce visual impacts, dust, noise, and odours.
Farmers do not need several formal requirements to minimize the normal impacts occurring from the legitimate agricultural enterprises they are running. There are also only a few requirements for the farmers to inform residents what they aim to do.
Contacting the authorities below will help landholders and their neighbours better understand their obligations as well as their rights:
- Local council – local governments usually deal with matters concerning which type of land uses are permitted to operate in a particular area and whether landholders are abiding by the restrictions enforced by zoning and land use overlays.
- Environment Protection Authority(EPA) – in charge of standardizing activities which may possibly be a threat to the environment, such as noise, waste disposal, and emissions.
Are your landscape views secure?
The wonderful landscape is one of the reasons why many people want to move to rural Victoria. One thing that should be kept in mind, though, is that the land surrounding one’s property is owned by someone else who has the right to do whatever he wants with his territory, even if it means altering how it looks and how it is used.
If you will be residing next to a commercial farming enterprise, you’ll need to prepare for the landscape views to change. It is important for land owners in rural Victoria to understand the alternative uses that could be developed on the surrounding territories. As production practices change, so does commercial farming operations.
Be ready for your responsibilities on land management
When owning land in rural Victoria, you need to expect to meet the legal obligations that come with it. One example is rabbit and fox control as well as weed management, are not only time-consuming but can be expensive. Community groups like Landcare and your rural neighbors can provide you with assistance or advice regarding pest control. Before purchasing, do your research so you can fully understand the extent of weed and pest infestation.
Another one of your responsibilities is fire control. Actions need to be taken in reducing the amount of fire fuel around your property as well as possibly establishing fire breaks surrounding your area. The Country Fire Authority can provide you with advice on how to manage fire risks.
Another responsibility a landowner must have is keeping their boundary fences well-maintained. If it is a shared fence, the cost of its maintenance will be shared between neighbors. However, if the fence is shared between a private landholder and a government-owned land, the private landholder may be responsible for the full cost of the fence’s maintenance. To know more, it would be best to consult your local council.
Being isolated, you need to maintain your access to clean water during droughts, and ensure your pipelines are monitored to measure your usage. Since these pipes are incredibly long, should the water be murky, you can invest in drain cleaning services. If the problem persists, non-destructive digging can be performed to maintain the integrity of your land.
Key messages
Here are the steps that should be taken prior to buying a property in rural Victoria:
- Find out more about the industries surrounding the area and the land you intend to purchase.
- Check out local planning provisions that manage land use in your area. Also understand the type of rural industries that can justifiably operate in the area.
- You need to be aware that the nature of the rural industries which are currently in the area is most likely to intensify in a period of time and production practices will change as well.
- Take into account the possible impacts this might have on your potential enjoyment from the rural property.
- Get ready to spend money and time on your land management responsibilities, such as weeds and pest control.
- Gather advice, assistance, and information from the necessary departments like the local council and government and non-government sources to make sure you make an informed decision on living in rural Victoria.