Why would anyone hide wedding photos in the bottom of the drawer only to gather dust when a lot of time, money, and effort have been invested to ensure these memorable photos turn out to be the best?
There are several novel ways to present your precious remembrances with little imagination. You can go beyond the picture frame or the humble album. Transform the valuable images into a classy coffee table book or design an enjoyable collage your visitors can enjoy looking at.
Photo display table
In your living room, craft a talking piece with a photo display coffee table. You can reshuffle pictures shot on your wedding day and change them whenever you wish. Aside from photographs, you can also display other items like shells and other ornaments.
Gather the best or your favourite pictures from your big day and transform it into a coffee table photobook. A good way to present it is with the book partially open on a bookshelf or sideboard surrounded with wedding mementos or some knickknacks.
Pegs, hooks, and bulldog clips
Hooks and painted clothes pegs are awesome for an informal look and feel when exhibiting your valuable memories. You can also apply what Flickr has done – use a mishmash of mini butchers’ hooks and clips on portions of wood for a semi-formal appearance. What’s great about this set up is that it is adaptable to quick image changes. Every image’s position can also be easily moved.
Museum matted images
Sarah Tegman, an Illinois-based shutterbug specializes in award winning wedding photography. She came about with the ingenious idea which is eye-catching but traditional at the same time. She purchased matching antique frames and loaded them with her parents, grandparents, in-laws, and her own wedding photos. She then attached the images with the use of museum display matting which adds to the collection’s elegance. The result was simply gorgeous!
Photo frames + black and white
If you have black and white wedding pictures, this idea will work perfectly. If you have coloured wedding photos, they can be converted to black and white. Purchase a collection of black frames and attach the black and white photos. The result is fabulously elegant and gives you a dramatic effect. You can also try using coloured frames with coloured images. The trick is to make sure the frames are identical and they are all level with the same height.
Go nuts with shapes
This eye-catching display cannot be missed. This adoring couple has made their own frameless exhibit bypositioning Polaroid images in a heart shape. The result is enjoyable and very dramatic. Other shapes can be applied for more variety. Try rectangles, squares, circles, and even a star!
Framed collage
Yes, this may be another collage but this one takes up a lot less space while allowing you to take in more than one picture without moving an inch – another clever version of the traditional framed photo. It is an attractive and colorful way to group photos of single events such as birthdays, baptisms, or weddings. If you have wedding photos of your parents, grandparents, and possibly even great grandparents, that would make the collage very unique. If you only have a few photos, you can make the images in the collage bigger. The idea would work just as well even with fewer images.
There are a lot of cheap corkboards in the market as well as decorative pins. Buy some and start pinning up your favorite wedding photos on the corkboards. The finished product can be hung anywhere in your home, making it a nice, informal piece of decoration.
Photos in mason jars
Are you a vintage enthusiast? This design is definitely for you. Mason jars are excellent for displaying wedding pictures as a collection. It is also trouble-free to change which images will appear as well as replace them. Sepia prints and black and white images work best with this design.
Picture pockets.
A commercial exhibition display service called Picture Pockets was the inspiration of this clever display. The back of your bedroom door can easily be decorated with photos from your big day. Images that have been laminated would work best.